Awakening, Inspiring
and Empowering You

Are you a soulful seeker looking to attract life-changing inspiration and forge deeper connections with yourself, your life’s purpose and inner wisdom? Are you looking for more clarity, direction or fulfillment in your personal life or career?

Are you seeking to enhance your life with higher-quality decisions and deeper personal insights?

Sherrie Lynne Intuitive Coaching

What People Are Saying

Sherrie’s work helped me to get in touch with parts of myself I was barely aware of. She helped me find ways to move ahead, open up, to develop and learn to follow my own instincts. Her suggestions have changed my life.

— Ann G., Computer Consultant

Our sessions set me on the most profound and far-reaching healing path I have ever experienced. A new beginning. She is truly gifted.

— Cheryl P., Theatre Director

“It’s a matter of seeing if there is connection. You can’t force a connection. It’s either there or it isn’t.”

— Charlotte Kasl, Ph.D.

My life’s journey has been one with many unexpected twists and turns, ups and downs, crossroads and adventures. It is my belief that none of us is meant to take their life’s journey alone or without support. My support has come in many forms from teachers and friends to family and therapists, to support groups and health care providers both eastern and western. I’ve transitioned from the fear of being visible to selling hundreds of pieces of my artwork and being filmed in a new feature length documentary as a professional intuitive.

My journey has taken me through some difficult relationship challenges and I’ve learned how grow through them and sometimes out of them. I’ve come to understand what a healthy relationship looks and feels like and when to recognize the red and yellow flags when they show up on the field. I had to learn the meaning of boundaries what, specifically, mine were; and then have the courage to move beyond the guilt to actually set the boundaries and know that I was entitled to have them.

Growing up, the adults around me did not have good communication skills. It also wasn’t safe to share feelings, so I learned to shut them down and be quiet, not make waves. I believe the survival skills we adapt as children can carry into our adulthood, often without realizing we are still using them and depending upon them. Those survival skills may have carried us through our childhood and adolencence, but there comes a time when they no longer serve us. The challenge is how to let go of them and the things that no longer serve us.

My commitment to healing and my own personal growth have brought me to place where I’ve become adept as setting boundaries in relationships both personal and in business. I’ve become skilled at excellent self care, and don’t hesitate to reach out for help when I need it. My survival behaviors have mostly flown the coup, although a few make an appearance on occasion. I’ve realized many dreams coming true and often they have been beyond my wildest dreams.

Along the way, I’ve become a great listener and developed excellent communication skills. I have developed a unique style of working with and Coaching others. I feel strongly led to share my Intuitive gifts and skills in this way to make a difference in people’s lives. The rewards have been amazing both for me and my clients. As each of us is special and unique, my techniques and coaching process varies to meet your individual needs. My intention is to shine a light on you and your life, to empower you, guide you, engage you, listen to you, support you and assist in you blossoming into your most beautiful, wonderful self.

My Approach

We’ll begin with a complimentary discovery call. I’d like to get to know you a bit and what you’re needing and wanting from Intuitive Coaching at this time. From there, we’ll discuss a plan that best works for you — your availability, spending plan and needs. Or, we may discover this isn’t a good fit for you. My approach will vary upon what you’re needing and wanting. Sometimes these may be two very different things that you may or may not be aware of.

Your first Coaching session may begin with some Intuitive Guidance, or perhaps with you sharing more about what you’re seeking and the challenges you’re facing, or I may intuit that you need to begin with some breathing exercises to slow you down and ground you.

I customarily give my clients things to do between Coaching sessions. These can widely vary from person to person. Each, however, is designed to make a difference in your life and move you towards your goals. We will discuss your suggested tasks the following session and how you experienced them, any resistance you had to do them and what the results were.

My approach is a compassionate, supportive, engaging one. I want you to enjoy your sessions, get inspired by them, excited by them, more connected to yourself, encouraged and empowered by them.

I believe we all come into this world with a basket of gifts and talents. Part of my coaching process is to help you discover them, and empower you to use them in meaningful, joyful, life enhancing ways that will enrich you and those around you.

Quote Maya Angelou