What can an Intuitive Life Coach do for you?

Quote Eleanor roosevelt
Sherrie has become a very important part in the success and growth of my business. Our sessions together allow me to relax and clear my head so we can both focus on what I need emotionally, physically and professionally. Working with Sherrie has always helped me take the next step to evolving as a business owner, a partner and as a person.
— E. Penn, Business Owner

Intuitive Life Coaching can unlock the key to your happiness, improve the qualify of your life, bring you more pleasure, and empower you to be your best self.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I happy in my relationships both personal and professional?

  • Is the work I’m doing satisfying and rewarding both financially, mentally and emotionally?

  • Does my life feel balanced? If not, what’s missing? Can you identify it?

  • Am I feeling challenged or struggling with change and transitions?

  • Is fear or other resistance keeping me from my desires?

  • Do I find myself overwhelmed and/or depleted by responsibilities and don’t know how to pull myself out of it?

  • Do I find myself at a crossroads in my life and not sure which direction is right? Or what is the best way to move forward?

The above are just some of the situations that Intuitive Life Coaching addresses and transforms. My unique style of Coaching brings answers to questions, identifies blocks, restores balance, empowers you to make positive change in your life, brings unconscious obstacles into your awareness, encourages you to take action to make a difference in your life.

I custom design every Intuitive Coaching Experience based on your goals, challenges, timeline and spending plan.

Looking for guidance in other areas? Sherrie also offers services in Dating Coaching, Creativity Coaching, Private Intuitive Readings, and Stress Reduction methods for individuals and groups (corporate and personal).

One of the fascinating things about working with Sherrie is that it always a combines physical, mental and spiritual experience. She brings a hybrid approach that parlays her intuitive skills and her other training as she looks for, and works on, the blocks in your life.
I have recommended her to my closest friends.
— Beverly C., Publisher
“My business partner and I were wanting to expand our business platform and decided to seek out a life coach, who could offer support, guidance, and tools for our career and spiritual purpose. 

We found Sherrie Lynne!  Her coaching was beneficial in helping us fine tune the connection needed for the next phase of our journey.  She taught us how to be more clear in our vision, leading to better decision-making, increased confidence, and a stronger sense of our purpose.

Sherrie Lynne was a great listener, very insightful, and offered practical guidance on how to approach our challenges.  What we liked most was her emphasis on spiritual practice and the consistency in her messages and recommendations.

Sherrie’s coaching was complementary to much of the work we already do with our clients in our business.  She was able to reinforce the connection that life is a journey between mind, body and spirit.

We love Sherrie Lynne and would highly recommend her and her coaching services!”
— Shellie and Natosha, Overland Park, Kansas