What is an Intuitive Dating Coach?

An Intuitive Dating Coach has the skills to go beyond customary dating coaching.

In addition to giving you dating advice and support, as an Personal Dating Coach I can help you connect with your instincts and build your trust in them. Tune in to what may be preventing you from attracting the relationship you are looking for and assist you in moving beyond any restrictions or blocks. Identifying the source of why you may be attracting the same type of relationship over and over again.

It’s a matter of seeing if there is connection. You can’t force a connection. It’s either there or it isn’t.
— Charlotte Kasl, Ph.D.

How Does Intuitive Dating Coaching work?

It begins with a complimentary discovery call. You will have the opportunity to share your current situation and previous dating experience and relationship experiences, as well as any challenges and hopes for the future. I will then custom design a personal coaching package that will best accommodate your needs, desires, goals and budget.

Is a Personal Dating Coach for Me?

Ask yourself these questions: Are you feeling good about yourself? Are you meeting interesting, engaging people? Are you getting past meet ups and first dates? Have you been dating for a while and feeling confused or frustrated? Are you wanting to get out there, but something’s stopping you from taking the plunge or even putting your toes in the water? Do you get discouraged easily? Dating the same kinds of people over and over again and feeling disappointed? Your answers to these questions might give you the answer.

Sherrie’s dating coaching sessions moved my experience from fantasy into reality. Amazing! So grateful for her guidance and support.
— Annette R., NYC
I was having difficulty narrowing down the playing field. Sherrie’s coaching sessions gave me the guidance and clarity I needed to shift and move forward. I’ve been dating one woman for 7 months now. It’s working!
— Claude L., NY, NY

My Approach to Dating & Relationship Coaching

We will start with where you are in your dating and relationship journey and move forward from there. My approach will vary depending upon various factors such as: How long has it been since you’ve dated. Perhaps you’ve recently started dating and have the jitters, or are currently dating and finding yourself confused or disappointed .

Maybe you’ve been in a relationship for six months or a year and are wondering if this is the one? Are things going at a pace that feels right to you? Are there conflicts, uncertainties or poor communication? Your unique situation will determine how we begin. We will explore the circumstances together and I will be utilizing my skills and intuitive gifts to direct you. There will be suggestions and actions to take. Some may be surprising to you. There may be exploration and discussion. We will review recent experiences and plan for new ones.

Some of my clients have found it difficult to set boundaries while dating, ask for what they want, or feel timid about moving forward. We can address all of these and you will begin to see improvement and the difference it can make to move beyond these challenges. Are you the “picky” type? It can be good to have high standards and certain “deal breakers”, however, perfectionism during the dating process can be unhealthy, and prevent you from meeting someone who may be absolutely wonderful and someone you couldn’t have imagined. I am able to spot perfectionism quite easily and support you in moving past it to discover an assortment of possibilities you never dreamed of.

Looking for guidance in other areas? Sherrie also offers services in Creativity Coaching, Life Coaching, Private Intuitive Readings, and Stress Reduction methods for individuals and groups (corporate and personal).

Have enough courage to trust love one more time, and always one more time.
— Maya Angelou
dating coach ny