Stress Reduction & Rejuvention

Individuals and Groups (Corporate & Personal)


Custom Designed Workshops & Sessions to help you relieve stress, relax and rejuvenate.

I felt like I was on vacation from life for 30 minutes, which under such stressful times, was fantastic!
— Beth W., NYC 
Stress Reduction

Corporate Stress Reduction Workshops: Virtual & In-Person

Staff stressed out? Overworked? Spread out across the country? … the globe? The business work day can be challenging for various reasons even when people enjoy their work. Rejuvenated staff are more clear minded, creative, efficient and productive.

My Custom Designed Stress Reduction & Rejuvenation Workshops offer tools and exercises such as guided meditation with music, chakra and energy balancing and sound and breath exercises. Practical tools are also given for staff to use on a regular basis to assist them in de-stressing and rejuvenating themselves. Teams and individuals are invited to ask questions about any challenges they are facing. My intuitive skills allow me to tune into both the group to give helpful and beneficial answers that will make this an effective experience.

Each office and work team is unique, and so I custom tailor every workshop to address the special needs for each group.

For more information or to discuss a workshop design for your group click here.

Sherrie is masterful in her facilitation. Precise, purposeful and yet spontaneous, gracious and caring. People come into the workshop bedraggled and harried ~ and leave radiant and free. Gorgeous!
— Lilyane G., Program Director, NYC
Sherrie possesses the incredible gift of tapping into the needs of each person in order to be free to achieve your dreams. In a loving supportive environment, Sherrie guides you through various exercises utilizing the use of movement, expression, sound and touch to unleash your creativity. The experience is insightful, liberating and most of all, plain old fun!
— Liza Z. Massage Therapist
sound bath therapy

Stress Reduction & Rejuvenation Groups for Everyone Virtual & In-Person

What a mind opening workshop you had!  I was drained, tired and a bit down when I walked in and left feeling refreshed, energized and cleansed.  Thank you for a spirited, communal and fun growth workshop! — Elise S., Business Owner, NYC

Invite a group of friends or family members over for either a Stress Reduction & Rejuvenation Workshop or a Readings and Rejuvenation Workshop at your place. Or go Virtual and everyone can have the comfort and ease of enjoying the Workshop from their own home.

Each group gets to build a unique experience. Choose from chakra and energy balancing, intuitive movement, guided meditation with music, breathing tools to energize you or slow you down, sound baths and more.

Feel free to add in Intuitive Readings to bring insight, inspiration and guidance to the experience. The readings can also be a wonderful way to engage and connect the participants with each other. Everyone gets inspired by listening to the other readings as well.

To learn more about Stress Reduction & Rejuvenation Groups OR Readings and Rejuvenation Groups, or to book a group, click here.

Sherrie possesses the incredible gift of tapping into the needs of each person in order to be free to achieve your dreams. In a loving supportive environment, Sherrie guides you through various exercises utilizing the use of movement, expression, sound and touch to unleash your creativity. The experience is insightful, liberating and most of all, plain old fun.
— Liza Z., Massage Therapist
meditation stones

Private Stress Reduction & Rejuvenation Sessions Virtual & In-Person

A session with you is always heavenly, Sherrie! I love the way you radiate inner peace! Hope you also treat yourself to the loveliness of life as you treat us to it!
— Ruxi, NY, NY

Private Stress Reduction Sessions are structured to meet each individual’s needs. Everyone copes with stress differently. With my intuitive skills, I’m able to sense where and how you’re holding on to stress and use various modalities to assist you with relaxing.

Virtual and In-Person Sessions may include: hands-on chakra and energy balancing, movement, guided meditation, breath and sound work, and more. I offer tools and exercises in the session that you can take home and use throughout the week. Packages are available.

For more details or to schedule an appointment, please click here.

Looking for guidance in other areas? Sherrie also offers services in Creativity Coaching, Life Coaching, Private Intuitive Readings, and Dating Coaching methods for individuals and groups (corporate and personal).