Living in Your Strengths
Sherrie Lynne Sherrie Lynne

Living in Your Strengths

I believe every human being comes into this world with a basket of beautiful gifts, talents, inner wisdom, strengths and much more. In my Intuitive Coaching practice, I've discovered that many of my clients are not aware of some beautiful aspects of themselves that are part of their strength or how to use them to their advantage to empower them. I recently led a workshop of men and women where it became apparent that each individual possessed a specific strength they were not aware of. Not only were they not aware of these qualities, the participants did not consider them as strengths. The intuitive process can be a tricky and surprising one whereby the intuitive connections don't seem logical (ie: the footbone may be connected to the shoulder bone). It doesn't necessarily make sense to our brains. And yet... the intuitive connections are very potent and can be transformative.

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Your Intuitive Sense
Sherrie Lynne Sherrie Lynne

Your Intuitive Sense

Every human being comes into this world with a basket of beautiful gifts, talents, inner wisdom, and strengths. Through my Intuitive Coaching practice, I've discovered that many people are unaware of these beautiful aspects of themselves or how to use them to their advantage. In a recent workshop, participants uncovered hidden strengths they hadn't considered before. The intuitive process can be surprising, with connections that may not seem logical at first, yet are incredibly potent and transformative. By embracing these newfound strengths, individuals can become more grounded, centered, and alive. Our strengths have the power to enrich our lives and expand our horizons in unexpected ways. To begin exploring your own strengths, start with a simple exercise of writing them down and sharing them with a trusted friend. This process of self-discovery can be enlightening, challenging, and ultimately empowering.

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