Living in Your Strengths

I believe every human being comes into this world with a basket of beautiful gifts, talents, inner wisdom, strengths and much more.

In my Intuitive Coaching practice, I’ve discovered that many of my clients are not aware of some beautiful aspects of themselves that are part of their strength or how to use them to their advantage to empower them.

I recently led a workshop of men and women where it became apparent that each individual possessed a specific strength they were not aware of.  Not only were they not aware of these qualities the participants did not consider them as strengths. 

The intuitive process can be a tricky and surprising one whereby the intuitive connections don’t seem logical  (ie: the footbone may be connected to the shoulder bone).  It doesn’t necessarily make sense to our brains.  And yet……..the intuitive connections are very potent and can be transformative.

In the workshop we all witnessed each person taking in the possibility of this newfound strength and then embracing it in various simple exercises.  It was powerful!

Our strengths can lead us to being more in the present or becoming more grounded, more centered, more alive!  They can give us great ideas and make our lives richer and more expansive.

Do you know all your strengths?  I’ll bet I can show you a few more!   The process to standing fully in your strength starts very simply.  Here’s a way to get started:

·      Get out a pen and paper.  It’s best to write them down at first so you are more connected to the process.  You can type them up later.  Feel free to start a strengths journal if you like.

·      Make a list of everything you consider to be one of your strengths.  Be generous with your list.

·      Notice if you’re having difficulty coming up with a list.  Notice if the list is flowing and long.  Just observe.  No judgement or editing.

·      The next part is to read it out loud to a trusted and supportive friend(s) or family member. 

·      Notice if it’s easy, difficult, awkward, uncomfortable, embarrassing, etc.

·      After they have listened to your list ask them if there is anything they think you should add to your list.

·      If so, write it down on your written list.  Notice how it feels to hear their suggestions.

·      If you want to take this a step further, write down your observations during each stage of the process.  What were you feeling and experiencing?   Did it feel easy? Challenging?  Was any part of it fun, horrifying, fulfilling, surprising?  Did you experience anger, anxiety, pride, happiness, annoyance, upset?  Write it down.  No judgements or editing.  Just observing.

These are the beginning steps to living in your strengths.   What you are doing in the above exercises is building your awareness and deepening your connection with them. 

Notice your resistance to doing any part of the exercise.  Feel free to write about the resistance.  It’s giving you information about yourself.  Awareness is power.


Your Intuitive Sense