Your Intuitive Sense

I’m sure each of you has had at least one experience where the phone rings and you know or have a strong sense of who’s calling (without looking at caller ID).   Or perhaps you’ve had an experience where someone has been on your mind and suddenly you run into them at a store or in a parking lot.  Or they call you out of the clear blue after not being in touch for a while.   What is that?  Where is it coming from?

For generations, men have been saying “I have a gut feeling about this”.  What exactly have they been referring to when they say this?  They’re not saying I have a brain feeling.  They are feeling this in their gut, a place in the body far from the brain.  They are referring to their instincts.  They are sensing something coming from a different part of the body.

Intuition is one of those things that is there, inside us, even though it doesn’t have a tangible form like an arm or a leg or even an eyelash.  It may feel hard to acknowledge or trust in something that you can’t touch, taste or even smell.  

The good news is, if we listen inwardly, we CAN feel it and often hear it.

Here is a very simple exercise to help you begin to connect with your intuition:

·      Get quiet and close your eyes.
·      Listen to your breathing.  Just observe it.
·      Tune into your senses, your body. 
·      What do you hear?  What do you smell?  What do you taste inside your mouth?  What do you see behind your closed eyes? 
·      What do you feel?  Is your arm touching a chair or a sheet, what’s the texture?  Is it soft?  Scratchy? Smooth?  What does the air around you feel like?
·      How does your body feel?  Is it cold, warm, stiff, relaxed?
·      Are you sensing any emotions?  What are they?
·      Just be with that.  

Practicing this for 3-5 minutes once a day will beckon your intuition.

It always puts a smile on my face when I meet someone who says they are not intuitive or have no intuition.  Everyone has intuition.  Have you ever had the experience of being introduced to someone you’ve never met and have a feeling about them that isn’t based on anything tangible?  You may have an immediate sense of mistrust even though there is nothing factual to substantiate it.  That sense may very probably be your intuition. 

If you’d like to experiment more with your intuition, the next time you meet someone new who you know nothing about, see what you can sense about them.  See if you can identify where those senses are coming from.

Your intuition is such a valuable asset.  It can be a very wise inner-guidance system to help you navigate your journey in life.  Connecting with your intuitive senses can bring greater self-awareness and aliveness.  It strengthens your life force and empowers you to be your best self.



Living in Your Strengths